Monthly Archives: January 2015

UL 50e-compliant FrechFoam® Sealing

Sealings used in control cabinets, electronic housings and other electronic devices are subject to stringent requirements. In come countries, one of the most important prerequisite for the use of polyurethane sealing foams in non-hazardous areas, is their being tested and approved pursuant to UL 50e. FrechFoam® is designed to fulfil such requirements and has been tested and approved for the use in control cabinets and electronic housings in non-hazardous Areas.

FrechFoam® Sealing for Filter Industry

Manufacturers of ventilation and air conditioning devices impose stringent hygiene requirements on the sealing material used in their plants. FrechFoam® is designed to fulfil such requirements. Its antimicrobial characteristics make our polyurethane sealing foam suitable inter alia for use in air conditioning and filtration components. FrechFoam®’s surface is conditioned to resist microbial infestation efficiently – even under varying environmental conditions.

FrechFill® in LED and Lighting Technology

FrechFill® is an easy-to-process polyurethane casting resin. Owing to its transparency and excellent protection properties it is particularly suitable for the use in LED technology and lighting engineering. FrechFill® is an excellent material to seal sensitive electronic components and heat-sensitive LEDs protecting them in an optimal way from physical, chemical and thermal influences as well as from moisture, dust and corrosion.


It is for the first time this year that our ambitious FreChem team will be exhibiting at FILTECH in Cologne from 24 to 26 February 2015. We would be delighted to welcome you at our booth. Take the chance to discuss with us possible challanges of your application in detail and in a relaxed atmosphere. We will be displaying product samples and eliciting what we can do for you.